Tuesday, October 20, 2009


so i'm going to either need to learn to write backwords, or... more pragmatically i should just rotate the pics.
but i'm a student. and thus need to get back to facebooking and talking to ppl on gchat.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

what I'm wearing... and drawing.

So I've skipped the pond and moved to London to go to Fashion Accessory School at the London College of Fashion. Our first assignment is re-make, re-model and well here is my train of thought concerning this blog.

1) friend on facebook is doing the whole photo-a-day challenge which is a lot easier with an iphone (to be purchased Monday afternoon, Tuesday at the latest... soooo excited)
2) i need to work on my sketching skills as a designer, fashion illustration, what not.
3) one of the things about fashion blogs i find most interesting (although only if they actually have a sense of style) is when people post what they wear daily.
4) sooooo, i'm going to combine my {need to practice drawing} + {want to actually blog} + {document personal style evolution} = somewhat read-able blog. at least for me... and maybe http://coco-canal.blogspot.com/

So today will just have to be a description.
Bottom Up:
CDG for Repetto black ribboned flats> beige ribbed tights> Acne black quilted pencil skirt w/ exposed zip, Stevan Alan light blue cotton shirt > Kain white tank> usual jewelry.

edit: this morning I also had a vintage hunter green wool vest over this, but may add a denim jacket instead for the evening.

sketching this now, will upload soon.
