Friday, February 19, 2010

reality bites

i'm not even going to try to say that i write regularly, or even consistently but tonight i watched reality bites and it was awesome.

love when catch onto things like... more than 10 years later. anywho.

this effortless look by winona .. love

she also wears this burgundy shirt-dress that would probably be super unflattering on anyone but her elfin-figure but it looks awesome. (can't really tell by this picture.. but trust me, she pulls it off... simple and chic)

also the white dress that ethan hawke bashes, that she wears to her reality-show party, is gorgeous, especially when she steps outside and you can sorta see the outline of her breasts... sounds like a little much, but its just,... well 90s sexy.

also love when she wears this totally 90s men's ish vest as a tank top... the scene where they are high and go shopping for food in the gas station food market.

they also smoke like...1,000 cigarettes in this movie. bt-dubz.
and i can't believe it takes place in houston. htown represent.

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